Article: How to define your workwear style? Let us help you out!

How to define your workwear style? Let us help you out!
First off, don’t get stressed about necessarily finding a unique workwear style. You already have a style of your own, we would together, only accentuate it. The kind of styles you choose to flaunt at work, speak a lot about who you are as a person. With the workwear rules relaxing quite a bit at various offices, you have more opportunities to display your personal style now. And whether you like it or not, it does create an impression. Thus, it needs to be the perfect balance between professionalism and your personal style. You can’t possibly wear a leather jacket to work on a Monday even if that is so your style, if you know what we mean!
#1- Prioritize your comfort
Being dressed to kill but dying of discomfort inside, is certainly not a favourable workwear style. Yes, some women wear those pencil heels with great ease, but if you can’t, that’s perfectly fine too. Perhaps, Kolhapuris are more your style. You see, when you are uncomfortable with what you are wearing, it shows in your body language. Hence, it is important to wear what combines your style with comfort.
#2- Pin your fashion inspirations
All those styles pinned on your Pinterest board or photographs shared with your friends on Whatsapp groups are the styles you like. And it is great to be inspired. Flip through fashion magazines and mark the styles that look do-able. Follow the celebrity stylists or fashion designers on Instagram to check what’s in vogue. Keep those handy the next time you go shopping.
#3- Create a must-have portfolio
Not every day will you feel like creating a new look; there will be days when life takes over, and you just want to get to the office. For these days, have a set of styles that are easily liked, comfortable and yet, are charmed with your style. Like a Pant Suit that is simple to carry or an A-line dress that flatters your body type and helps you breeze through your days, you get the drift? It can also include traditional wear like a collared Kurti or a linen Saaree paired with a versatile pair of earrings. Keep these for the days when you don’t have the time to think.
#4- Keep a tab on the fashion bloggers
Following fashion bloggers can give you some grand tips on how to multipurpose your wardrobe. You can’t possibly create a fresh style every day, and you may get bored of wearing the same clothes over a period of a few months. It is relevant to use them differently; like a white shirt can be worn with a pin-striped pair of trousers, with a heavy necklace and a skirt as Friday wear or even with a Saaree to create a Boho look! Think beyond the ordinary, experiment with your own styles because like your personality, your personal style evolves with time too!
#5- Accessorize smartly
A very understated part of your style is how you accessorize your clothes. And mind you, accessories are much more than the handbag or the jewellery. They also include the watches you wear, the pens you use, the laptop bag you carry and of course, your shoes, belts etc. This doesn’t necessarily mean a lot of variety. Keep it minimalistic but use it smartly. Make your look feel like it has been carefully put together. It reflects on your creativity too!
At Power Sutra, we help you to evolve your workwear style by making it trendy & luxurious. Empowered women need to inspire with their styles, and we help you do just that.