Article: New year, new you? You are perfect as you are!

New year, new you? You are perfect as you are!
Most people around us are looking forward to 2021 as the children look forward to Christmas! As though a magic wand will suddenly make 2020 disappear or perhaps Santa will take it away. Alas! The chances of that happening are quite slim. But, don’t you feel that while 2020 was immensely difficult for obvious reasons, it made new people out of all of us? We were faced with situations that were unprecedented. There were huge families suddenly at home, with no house helps and work-deadlines of your own. There was no concept of having some space for yourself; in fact, many women lost their jobs too. It did feel like the worst has come to our very ordinary lives without warning. But we got up, we dusted, and we moved on! The fighters that all women are, never for once let the weight of all the setbacks keep them from achieving. You kept your jobs, homes, relationships going, and you still shone with little victories every single day.
While there were statement-makers and famous achievers like Kamala Harris and Melinda Gates who were busy changing the history of womanhood and the way this world perceives you, there were not-so-famous yet inspirational achievers too, just like you. There were women conceptualizing new businesses after the breadwinners in their families lost their jobs, women fighting patriarchy both at home and office during the pandemic with very little to no recognition, women making sure that their children did not miss their routine lives and grew as if 2020 never happened and so on. You often forget to pat your backs and remind yourselves of the splendid jobs you are doing. You are a fighter who never gives in, you are the backbone of many lives and in every sphere of life (with or without pandemic)- you have overachieved and how!
Hence, rather than trying to find a new you in 2021, let us celebrate the new you that you have already become in 2020. Let us look back and salute your perseverance, strength and the ability to care, cherish and nurture. Let us be grateful and thankful for all the things that did go right in this year, the things that kept us going. They can be the littlest of things that brought you joy, gave you the strength required or courage that you needed. They can be the people around you that are your lifelines after all. We are grateful for all that could have been and all that couldn’t be. And we are optimistic about the new year knowing that sometimes, not changing yourself for a new year is the best thing to do. Because you are perfect the way you are. All you need to do is to let yourself free and learn/unlearn everything that the new experiences teach you. After all, that is all that life is about, isn’t it?