Article: Women's day is stigmatized- here's what we can do to make it better

Women's day is stigmatized- here's what we can do to make it better
International Women's Day was introduced in the early 1900s because women did not have the basic rights to vote, property, and other social and economic rights. But we feel that women's day has been reduced to a platform for making people aware of women's issues rather than correcting the problems. Don't get us wrong; we are not saying that we haven't progressed, but should this be enough? Or should this even be a thing to fight for? From gaslighting in modern-day offices and body image issues to making them guilty about the personal or professional part of their lives, the problems have also evolved with us women over time.
You look at any campaign around you, the issues are being highlighted, and the encouragement is being sought to change the way we live, to change patriarchy. But the people actually changing are very few. It is time to step-up our games. Who wants to be equal to men? We just want our individuality respected. So, before you put those mandated women's day messages on your WhatsApp groups with mandated hashtags, pause and think. What have you done to make things better for yourself or other women? This is the first step in the right direction to act.
The next thing to do is to change yourself. We don't realize at times; how deeply rooted patriarchy is in our lives. Or how much we judge unknowingly. Or how we don't realize that the world our kids are growing up in is not a lot different than what we despised? Identify the root causes and change before its too late. Question yourself when you feel gratitude to your husband when he helps with your house chores. Question yourself when you feel uncomfortable to see your boy playing with dolls or the kitchen. Question and change.
A lot has been said about the safety of women, especially in India. Yes, the problem exists and let's face it; it may take centuries to change. Can we change them? We can try. Can we be better equipped? Definitely! Learn martial arts, we say and teach your kids too. Self defence gives you the confidence to be yourself come what may and live life on your terms.
Workplace problems? Household issues? Lack of respect? Due to these and many other violating issues, an increasing number of women have been having mental health issues. We suggest you meet a therapist and take medical help. We have a habit of internalizing problems because we feel that's just how it is. You will be surprised at how it is not. Speak up and ask for help. Talk to your HR, talk to a relative/friend, meet counsellors but do not let the feelings simmer.
We can go on, but the fact is that each woman around the world faces a new challenge every day. And what you need to do to have a better life is something that you may need to figure. Our only submission is, do something about it. Spreading awareness about the issues is done and dusted, now is the time to make this world a more empathetic and a better place!