Article: Work from Home, In Style

Work from Home, In Style
We can virtually hear some of you say, “Ugh, do I have to?” We know, it is just too comfortable to remain in those PJs all day. But hear us out, here’s another perspective. Specialists often talk about ‘mood enhancement dressing’, which is done to optimize your positivity and mood. Dressing up is popularly known to make you more productive. Also, since most of us are going to continue to work from home for the foreseeable future, we feel it is very important to create work boundaries. Hence, when you change back to your sweats after you clock-out from work, you are actually training your brain to follow a pattern. The same pattern that you were following and will be following when life goes back to normal. The inertia of adjusting to the normal can be completely avoided with some self-styling discipline.
But does that mean, you let go of the comfort you find at home? Of course not! Not having to follow the office dressing rule has given birth to a beautifully blended wardrobe that balances the laidback with the polished styles. The confidence of dressing up gets enhanced with the comfort of home, and the results are spectacular.
Here are the must-haves in your work-from-home wardrobe -
Breezy Pants
Do you know a great substitute for lounge pants? Culottes! As comfortable as your sweats and yet adding to your style, culottes are a must-have in your wardrobe, especially for those long Mondays and Wednesdays. At Power Sutra, we have culottes in the softest of colours and cotton/rayon, breathable fabrics that can be paired up with both formal and informal tops and shirts of your choice. Specially curated for your work from home wardrobe, our culottes come with a relaxed and loose fit.
Shop Here
Get those accessories right
Bring out the scarves, headbands, earrings, neckpieces and hair-ties that have not seen the world outside of your cupboard for months now. Now is the time when, if you accessorize it right, you can remain comfortable and yet stylish! Open that bun and try different hairstyles, it is amazing what a change in hair can do to your mood. The right accessories can save you from the last-minute decking up in case of an unscheduled video call also! Marry the hoops with the pullovers or the slim chokers with that V-neck top; there is nothing like too-much-accessorizing at home anymore!
Deck up waist-up
Want to take it easy on some days? Absolutely! We have just the right tops and pullovers to pair with your favourite PJs. Since winter is here, swaddling yourself in our fabulous cotton pullovers will make sense if you are located at a colder place. If not, then you can avoid resorting to sweats by choosing from our collection of beaming and quirky tops that can brighten up your days right from the word go!
Shop the Tops Here
Shop the Pullovers Here
Dress-it up, literally!
And for the days when it is style-o-clock, opt for a comfortable dress that makes you feel light and peppy. Choose from a range of cotton, stretch and woollen dresses at Power Sutra, to suit your style! Tie a loose bun, put on those chunky earrings and rock this chic, semi-formal look with finesse. You can team these dresses up with jackets, blazers or shrugs depending on your mood on that day.
A work-from-home wardrobe does not look like that bad an idea after all, right? Remember, we feel what we wear!